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Xenon & Krypton Filled Flash Lamps

Xenon and Krypton flash lamp manufacturers,
Xenon and Krypton flash lamp manufacturers, Xenon & Krypton Filled Flash Lamps Manufacturers, Xenon & Krypton Filled Flash Lamps Manufacturers Pune, 

Lasers have become an integral part of many modern applications in various fields. These applications employ variety of Lasers such as gas, diode, solid state, dye, metal vapour, etc. Of all these, the Solid State Lasers (e.g. Nd: YAG, Nd: YLF, Nd: Glass, Ruby, etc.) need an Optical input (pumping) in order to derive the Laser beam. The optical input is given by Flash lamps and CW arc lamps, which are high intensity, gas filled discharge lamps. The gases typically employed are Pulsed Flash Lamp – Xenon and Krypton  since the spectral characteristics of radiation emitted by these discharges match well with the absorption bands of the active media.Krypton Filled Flash Lamps Manufacturers Pune

Litex proudly announces the successful Development and Launching of IPL Lamps (Intense Pulsed Light), Xenon & Krypton filled Flash & CW lamps used for Solid State Laser Pumping. The lamps utilise an in-house developed Graded seal technology. This technology enables to process the lamps at higher temperatures, which helps in maintaining a contaminant-free atmosphere inside the lamps. The lamps have been successfully tested at reputed National Laboratories and Industries.

Apart from the list mentioned here, Litex can undertake development of special discharge lamps such as short arc lamps, linear long arc Xenon lamps for applications such as solar simulation, projection, stroboscopy.

Applications of Solid State Lasers

  • Industrial:  Marking on tools/name plates, welding of complex metal parts, drilling of clear burr free precise holes, cutting of sheets of various materials.
  • Diamond processing: Kerfing, cutting, purification.
  • Research: Material ablation and thin film deposition, formation of metastable phases of different materials, attaining ultra high temperatures.
  • Medical:  Eye Surgery, cosmetic surgery.
  • Military: Range finder, target identification.

Xenon and Krypton Filled-Flash Lamps